Oracle GoldenGate MySQL to MySQL Configuration part 2

Part 2 Installation of GoldenGate MySQL and steps to perform initial load & CDC extract, pump and replicat process from MySQL to MySQL database.

5 min readNov 9, 2020

Step 1:- Download Oracle GoldenGate MySQL software from oracle website as show below. Save the link address to use it with wget command.

Note : If you doing it in OCI, then you need to select Market Place image of Oracle GoldenGate for Non Oracle Database and select for MySQL binaries, it will create compute machine with all the required binaries of GoldenGate for remote capture and apply. Other Cloud service doesn’t provide same service as OCI, so you can follow below steps in RHEL or oracle Linux OS. Since Remote capture and apply for MySQL is only certified in these OS.

[opc@pocgg oggmysql]$ wget…….<your auth key >..

Step 2:- Unzip the Zip file, you will get tar file and OGG 19c documentation. Then un-tar the binaries in different directory that will be your OGG_HOME or GG_HOME (whatever you prefer)

Step 3:- Run ggsci command, we can also set it bash profile.

Step 4:- Connect to Mysql database from ggsci prompt.

GGSCI (pocgg) 2> dblogin SOURCEDB sourcegg@pocgg, USERID ggsuser_S, PASSWORD ****

Note:- pocgg is hostname, you can put ip also. In my environment it will work without ip/hostname, because MySQL services are running on same server.

Step 4:- For Initial load add tables in source and target database and insert dummy value only in table present in source database. You can find the script for dummy table in OGG_HOME(where GG for MySql is installed). You can use demo_mysql_create.sql and demo_mysql_insert.sql

Run demo_mysql_create.sql on sourcegg and targetgg, and demo_mysql_insert.sql only on sourcegg.

Step 5:- Create initial load extract process (EILOAD1)

Note:- You can either choose RMTFILE or RMTTASK. Both work, if you need trailfiles of initial load then use RMTFILE. Keep in mind to delete the trailfiles from target server to free us some space.

Step 6:- Create CDC extract process, first we have to start cdc process and later our initial load (EILOAD1) process.

After starting the extract process got below errors.

Referred below documents will help you to resolve this issue.

MySQL Extract Abends With OGG-00146 Call To VAMInitialize Returned With Error Status 600: VAM Client Report (Doc ID 2611678.1)
MYSQL Extract Abends with OGG-00146 CAUSE OF FAILURE : Access denied for user (Doc ID 2697378.1)

Step 7:- Do some transaction on tables and check GoldenGate extract process has captured it or not.

Step 8:- Create initial load replicat process, also check tables in target database to check tables are empty.

Note:- sourcedefs is not required in our case, since it is MySQL to MySQL replication.

GGSCI (pocgg DBLOGIN as ggsuser_S) 79> start EXTRACT EILOAD1

Sending START request to MANAGER …

Initial load replicat will start automatically, we can check report file to see it transactions are applied on target database or not. Also check for records on target database.

Step 9:- Now create CDC replicat process. In our case we don’t need pump process because source and target database are on same server. create checkpoint table before adding the replicat process.

GGSCI (pocgg DBLOGIN as ggsuser_T) 3> add checkpointtable targetgg.ckpt

Successfully created checkpoint table targetgg.ckpt.

Step 10:- Start GoldenGate replicat process.

Step 11:- Lets do some more transactions on source database.

Reference :-




Written by Abhii

Oracle database and GoldenGate consultant

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